The Ancient Roots Of Astrology And The People Who Developed It

Astrology is one of the oldest para-sciences to have survived to this day. A technique that is intertwined with the astral forces, the elements, and nature itself, it is subject replete with mystical knowledge and ancient wisdom. Crystal ball, tarot cards, psychic reading, horoscope, numerology, everything falls under the purview of astrology. A colossal topic, astrology is a mix of knowledge and practices occurring within this specific area of knowledge. Today an astrologer in London wields this ancient knowledge to change the lives and fortunes of people.


The genesis of astrology is not precisely known but it is believed that the study of celestial movements and positions was something that the primitive people of some cultures came up with. The subject emerged from human’s need of finding a hidden order in the pervasive chaos of the universe. If you break up the word “horoscope”, it comes down to “time” and “observe”. That is what precisely astrology is, observation of the astral bodies at the time of birth. However, despite its insightfulness and accuracy, astrology is not science. That is because it deals with tendencies and inclinations than prognosis and detections. Astrology is largely modified based on the subjectivity of its practitioners. Whatever branch of it one practice, it came from the knowledge of what the ancient sages and believers call metaphysical tradition. It is what we know today as ancient wisdom. Astrology branched out of that wisdom and prevailed across cultures through centuries.

The Ancient Myths Surrounding the Constellations

The ancient man looked up at the sky and saw countless pinpricks of lights. Gazing for many years, they found that these stars formed patterns in the night sky, patterns that the Astro-scientists of today call constellations. Seeing the patterns emerge, they began to relate them to Gods and Goddesses, humans and animals, and mythical creatures. That is where the zodiac signs came from. Even to this day, the constellations are likened to more familiar shapes on earth in Zodiacs. There are poems about the stars and the moons, the birth of the universe, the deities who hold command over the planetary bodies. It is the ancient astrologers who lent mythical characters into the poems and prose, which bore significance to the lives on earth. The myths we read today are a result of the authors’ spark of imagination and eye for beauty and the astrologers’ genius. Astrology is the key to get ex-love back in London even when there was no chance of reconciliation.

Ancient Civilizations and Star Predictions

Evidence suggests that the Babylonians were the earliest practitioners of astronomy. Their people were the first to look at positions of stars and planets and predict fortunes through astronomy. They had stargazers amongst them who would watch the movements of the heavenly bodies as visible from earth. Based on these astronomical patterns of movement, they used to make predictions of seasons as well as events. That is how the correlation of celestial activities and our lives started. It is during their time that astrology and astronomy merged into one. The Mesopotamians too were familiar with this formula of prediction. They used to study omens to determine likely events in one’s life. We know this from their cuneiform tablets that have survived and salvaged by archeologists. The Mesopotamians have an eye for very specific stellar events like halos, lunar phases, eclipses, and even planetary visibility to chart the nature of events. The Mesopotamians also studied weather events like shapes and formations of clouds, rain, thunder, and lightning, and even earthquakes looking for omens that may help them determine the future.

Tips for Mastering the Fundamentals of E-Commerce

There’s a lot to focus on when it comes to running a successful e-commerce business. It’s easy for store owners to get overwhelmed by the various aspects of their website, social media profiles and more. Below are simple explanations of the main things to focus on to increase sales, order values and customer satisfaction.User experienceYour site’s design is arguably the most important factor in succeeding in the world of e-commerce. Customers simply won’t shop at an online store that’s confusing to use, especially since there are so many other options available to them. Therefore, your site should be easy to read and browse. It should load in seconds, use navigation that’s easy to understand and contain relevant information toward the top of the page.Design your website to support a great, intuitive user experience.Designing for the user experience also means your site should make it easy for customers to submit online payments. Accepting a wide variety of payment types allows customers to make purchases according to their preference, and a simple checkout process makes things even easier. Both of these attributes combine to increase your customer’s satisfaction and, as noted, can reduce your cart abandonment rates. In a conversation with the website, Kateryna Topopl, senior art director at Architech, mentioned the checkout process is where businesses tend to see the highest number of abandoned carts. This is mainly because they force users to go through too many steps or do not provide convenient options for submitting electronic payments.Social mediaThere’s no question that every e-commerce website should have a few social media accounts, but determining the right ones can be tricky. You want to maximize your return on investment, and knowing your product and audience well is the best way to do that. As Practical E-commerce noted, some social sites are better for certain products than others. Pinterest and Instagram are great for lifestyle products like home decor and fashion, while Twitter and LinkedIn are excellent for software and business services.Another way to incorporate social media is to let shoppers log in to your website using their networking accounts such as Facebook or Google+. This makes the process quick and efficient, and customers don’t have to remember yet another username and password for your website.Content marketingWhile social media is the cherry on top of your marketing sundae, your website’s content is the ice cream that makes up its substance. Great content – blog posts, list articles, white papers and more – keeps people on your website after they’ve clicked through from your social media. In addition, the search engine optimization benefits of certain topics and keywords bring even more people to your online store through Google and Bing.”Content for e-commerce mixes relevant information with a call-to-action.”Creating great content for e-commerce is tricky, as mentioned in another article. Make it too promotional and you’ll lose customers instead of gaining more. At the same time, the goal of your content is to promote sales. The trick is to mix relevant information with a call-to-action designed to get users to convert. For example, say your website sells kitchenware and you want to promote a line of cast-iron skillets you just added. You can write a blog post filled with tips on properly seasoning and caring for cast-iron cookware, then link readers to the brand in question. What’s more, you can fill the blog post with images of the product so readers can see how it looks and picture themselves with it in the kitchen.CTAs don’t always have to be sales-oriented. They can direct readers to sign up for your newsletter, follow your business on social media, read more blog posts or increase engagement in other ways.FulfillmentOffering customers a great deal on shipping prices keeps your business competitive, especially against e-commerce giants like Amazon and Walmart. Free shipping in particular leads to increased average order values and possibly higher sales overall, according to a Practical Ecommerce report on the subject. If you can’t provide free shipping for all sales, consider offering it only to customers with orders above a certain price.While mastering the world of e-commerce isn’t easy, a good handle on the basics helps you grow from a small business to an international e-commerce competitor.

Over 40 Ways to Decrease Your Auto Insurance Costs

There are multiple articles titled “7 ways to save on car insurance” or “5 Tips to lower your auto insurance costs” etc, but would it not be great to have all those saving tricks and discounts at one place? Below you will find such a list for Auto insurance. This list is a comprehensive overview of all opportunities to save on car insurance in Canada, and was compiled based on the results of numerous discussions with insurance brokers and through analyses of different insurance offerings.1. Shop around: Search, Compare, and switch insurance companies. There are many insurance providers and their price offerings for the same policies can be very different, therefore use multiple online tools and talk to several brokers since each will cover a limited number of insurance companies.2. Bundle: Do you need Home and Auto Insurance? Most companies will offer you a discount if you bundle them together.3. Professional Membership: Are you a member of a professional organization (e.g. Certified Management Accountants of Canada or The Air Canada Pilots Association)? Then some insurance companies offer you a discount. 4. Students: Being a student alone can result in a student discount. 5. Alumni: Graduates from certain Canadian universities ( e.g University of Toronto, McGill University) might be eligible for a discount at certain Insurance providers.6. Employee / Union members: Some companies offer discounts to union members.7. Seniors: Many companies offer special pricing to seniors. 8. Direct insurers: Have you always dealt with insurance brokers / agents? Getting a policy from a direct insurer (i.e. insurers working via call-center or online) often can be cheaper (but not always) since they do not pay an agent/broker commission for each policy sold.9. Annual vs. monthly payments: In comparison to monthly payments, annual payments save insurers administrative costs (e.g. sending bills) and therefore they reward you lower premiums. 10. Loyalty: Staying with one insurer longer can sometimes result in a long-term policy holder discount. 11. Annual review: Review your policies and coverage every year, since new discounts could apply to your new life situation if it has changed. 12. Welcome discount: Some insurers offer a so called welcome discount. 13. Benchmark your costs: Knowing how much other consumers similar to you pay for their insurance can help you identify the most cost-friendly insurance providers. 14. Car Insurance Deductibles: Increase your car insurance deductibles if you believe that you are capable of incurring higher payments for damages in case of an accident. This is especially suited for more experienced car drivers. 15. Being a second driver: Driving a car only occasionally? Become a second drive instead of being a principal driver 16. Minimal coverage: Driving an old car without large value? Get a minimal coverage required by law (mainly liability) w/o collision damage (you are still protected if you damage somebody’s car but damages on your car will not be covered) 17. Minimal Coverage: Driving an old, inexpensive car? Then only get a minimal coverage plan which is required by the law (mainly liability) without collision damage coverage (does not cover damage costs for your vehicle) 18. Leverage your Credit Card: Check if your credit card insurance includes rental car protection. Paying with a card that has insurance for rental car protection can you save you around $20 per day in Collision Damage Waiver fees. 19. Leverage rental car coverage: If you frequently rent cars and have an auto insurance policy, you should check if your own auto insurance policy actually covers the rental car. If it is the case, you can save on all Collision Damage Waiver costs for rental vehicles. 20. Rental car rider: If your existing auto insurance policy does not cover your rental car, you can often add it as a rider (policy extension) for $20-30 dollars a year. Compared to $20/day you would pay when renting a car, it’s not a bad deal! 21. Location, location, location: Car insurance costs are different from one province to another (e.g. moving from Ontario to Quebec will surely reduce your insurance costs by half). If you move within a province, you should check for any changes in car insurance costs, and ideally you should move to where costs are lower (e.g. Burlington, Ontario has one of the highest car insurance rates in Ontario)22. CAA member: CAA Members: Are you a member of the CAA? Some insurance providers will reward you with lower insurance premiums, including, of course, the CAA. 23. Dashboard camera: Get a dashboard camera for your vehicle. Even though installing a dashboard camera does not result in direct savings (insurance companies do not offer any insurance discount related to dashboard cameras) but it can prove you not-at-fault when it is the case in an accident. It results in you avoiding unfair premium raises.24. Driving Course: Successfully completing a driving course is sometimes recognized by some insurance providers and could help you reduce your premiums. 25. Improving your driving record: Do you have a bad driving record? Every three years previously incurred tickets are removed from your insurance history and your insurance premiums can go down. 26. At-Fault Accidents: Have you been in a couple of accidents in the past where you were at fault? With a little patience (six years with no accidents), your risk profile will improve allowing you to once again enjoy reasonable insurance premium rates. 27. Age: Senior drivers enjoy lower auto insurance premiums. Thus in several years your premiums can go down. 28. Car Make and Model: Wisely choose your car, as some car models are more susceptible to theft or even have a history of more risky drivers (e.g. Toyota Camry, Acura MDX, Toyota RAV4, and Honda Civic are usually quite expensive to insure) 29. Good Student: Yes, having good grades can have many positive impacts, and even on your auto insurance rates! E.g. one insurance company rewards students who are younger than 25 and have good grades (grade average of B or higher) with a discount up to 25%. 30. Multiple-cars-bundle: Bundle several cars on one policy and your rate can go down 31. Anti-theft system: Installing a certified anti-theft system in your car results in a lower risk of theft and thus can lead to insurance discounts. 32. Winter Tires: Having winter tires is important for driving safety during the winter, but can also help reduce your insurance premiums. 33. Repair costs: Choose a car that would cost less to repair in case of damage. The repair costs for certain cars (e.g. Mini Cooper or BMW) are higher than other (e.g. Ford Focus) and insurance providers are aware of that. 34. Claim History: Keeping a clean claims history can sometimes be more financially feasible than submitting claims for small damage repairs which could result in increased premiums. Contacting an insurance provider/broker could help you find out what makes sense.35. Being married: In most provinces your marital status affects your insurance premiums (except in Nova Scotia) 36. Short distance to work: Finding a house close to your place of work reduces the distance that you need drive daily to work and thus results in lower insurance premiums. 38. Drop glass coverage: For cars with inexpensive windshields, it can be more economical to drop the glass coverage since in combination with the deductibles to be paid in case of an accident you’d pay more. It is up to you to calculate.39. Retiree Discounts: Some insurance companies will offer different retirement discounts for drivers.40. Disabilities: Some companies offer discounts for people with disabilities.41. Hybrid vehicles: Many companies award driving a hybrid vehicle with lower insurance premiums.42. Private Garage: Parking your car in a safe location (e.g. private or secure garage) normally results in lower insurance premiums with auto insurance providers.